Supporting leaders and teams going through changes and unleashing their full potential has been my motivation throughout my career and is key to the services I provide.
Whether it is through reflect back with clarity and no judgement or sharing my experiences as a leader and coach, I help my clients to move forward towards their goals.
To multiply my impact, and in service of a coaching culture, I mentor leaders and coaches to do the same.
I have been working with more than 100 international clients on their personal development and transitions. Whether it’s face to face or virtually, we:
engage in conversations with trust and confidentiality as the basis.
focus on your strengths and capabilities.
define actions to implement what you’ve learned and to move forward.
Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It’s helping them learn rather than teaching them.
As a leader and through coaching, I’ve learned that for a team to become highly effective they need:
a clear commission from those who bring it into being, including a clear purpose and success criteria.
to develop their own mission, including purpose, goals, values, and ways of working.
to constantly attend to how it works together, while constantly reviewing and co-creating.
to engage with external stakeholders effectively.
to continually stand back and reflect on their own performance and process, constantly learning both as a collective and as individuals.
A team’s performance can only be truly understood through its capacity to create value for all its stakeholders.
Throughout my journey as a leader and coach, I have benefited from mentors across the globe. Mentoring provides me the opportunity to share experiences and to build leaderful organizations. While establishing a relationship of trust, we will work on:
your competencies and capacities as a coach.
reflecting your challenges and connecting them to you as a coach.
explore new approaches in coaching and leadership.
Mentoring involves primarily listening with empathy, sharing experience (usually mutually), professional friendship, developing insight through reflection, being a sounding board, encouraging.